Saturday, August 28, 2010

A Child's Tea Set and Other Tea Party Ideas

Your child's first birthday is fast approaching and you're experiencing panic, stress, and anxiety. The "sensible" side of your brain tells you that since your child will not remember a thing about this very special day, you could get away with something cheap and fast. But, you readily admit that this party is not so much for your child as it is to impress and outdo your friends' parties.

Bouncy houses are getting so tiresome. Birthday clowns only frighten the little darlings. Chuck E Cheese is so last decade. A backyard carnival can be quite pricey, not to mention those messy ponies. Thinking cap time. While you can't afford a trip to Disneyland, why not "borrow" a Disney theme? Something that would be fun and enchanting for everyone in attendance.

There was that wonderful Alice in Wonderland film with that gorgeous Johnny Depp. Hmmm! Well, that's it, then. Why not have an Alice in Wonderland tea party?

Start off with the perfect child's tea set. Of course, there are many from which to choose. You might just want an Alice teapot, accompanied by paper plates and plastic utensils. Simple, cheap, and easy. Or, you might want to go all out with an entire Alice in Wonderland tea set. You  will, of course, need a hat befitting a Mad Hatter. And, the final accessory for the event, the Red Queen Hat for your little princess. Then, all you have to do is make some delicious Alice cupcakes, serve delectable fruit punch, and brew some peach herbal tea for all to enjoy.

You will have accomplished a major feat with this delightful party! You will have outdone all previous birthday parties in the neighborhood, and will have set the bar higher for the unlucky parent who must plan the next birthday party.

It all starts with a child's tea set. Since all tea parties are fun for children and grown-ups alike, you can't go wrong, no matter what the theme, as witnessed in this hilarious video.

The last step? Take lots of pictures and post them on Facebook!

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